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Writer's picture: Chris GarciaChris Garcia

A daily devotional moment by Chris Garcia

The days of church as usual are coming to an end in America. God will have a glorious Church that is unashamed of the moving of the Holy Spirit. That is not ashamed of the truth of the Gospel. That is unashamed in their delivery and their proclamation. It is where we are in this stage of the game, especially in America, Canada, and Europe. We don’t have time for comfortable, sugar-coated services. The reason is that Jesus is coming soon. He is not wasting anymore time. He is not going to allow the Church to waste time. There is work to do. There is a Kingdom to preach and expand. There is a territory to conquer. For far too long, the sheep have been starving while the goats have been entertained and fed. In 2020, I had this powerful encounter with the Lord. What was wild about this encounter, was that I saw these mighty ministries—these mighty anointed pastors. I saw them quickly come down. Their garments were ripped like Saul's. I saw the Lord elevating and rising up Davids. I saw a shift in those who had names in big ministries, no longer walking with the Lord. The Lord was shifting the tables. The Lord was raising up nobodies that nobody knew. They were like David. I saw that the Lord's glory is only going to touch places, peoples, and leaders who have a heart for the presence of the Lord. The Lord grieves over the condition of the Bride. Especially in the United States because we have turned services for entertainment. We have turned service, to draw people just for the sake of drawing them in. We have done things in our own strength and in our own efforts. We have done everything except to recover prayer, to recover the move of the Holy Spirit. Because we no longer think that is relevant. Not realizing that the Holy Spirit, God's presence, and the power in the name of Jesus is the very thing that is going to bring the lost in. That is going to bring the multitudes to the feet of Jesus. It is not about the performance or entertainment. It is not about being relevant for the sake of being relevant. It is His presence. It is His very presence. The church is a house for the presence of the Lord. People are dying and going to hell. Confused, in torment, in bondage, sick and destroyed and the Church is silent. The Church is quiet.

The Church doesn’t want to make a noise or make anyone uncomfortable. Not realizing when the Church becomes enraptured with the delight and the presence of God, the atmosphere of heaven then comes into our midst and even unbelievers will sense that something unusual is taking place. That is what America needs. That is what Europe and Canada need. God is going to have a pure people. God is going to have a people who will be lovers of God's presence. Rather than the presence of Man. What makes the Church, is God's glory. What makes the Church is the presence of God in our midst. I want to share with you a powerful statement from William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. He says, “The chief danger that confronts the coming century, will be religion without the Holy Ghost. Christianity without Christ. Forgiveness without repentance. Salvation without regeneration. Politics without God and Heaven without Hell.” Boy was he ever so correct. Here is another awesome quote from the Archbishop of Canterbury. He said, something along these lines, “True evangelism is to preach Christ in the Holy Spirit.” Second Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness but denying their powers thereof.” This means that many have a form of godliness but “deny,” which means they don’t welcome or reject the power thereof. That word "power" is twofold. It is a miraculous power and a power to live a sanctified holy life. The scriptures are clear. “Quench not the Spirit.” “Forbid not tongues.” Why does it say that? Because Paul knew that just like human nature in his day and just like in our day, we quench things. We forbid things. God wants us to come back. To return back to our first loves. First love, is what He seeks. Some of you have so many issues in your lives and have run to everything except the main thing. The main thing is to minister to God. You see the spiritual realm does not work like the physical realm. In the physical realm, we have to do things to get physical results, but in the spiritual realm, it is different. When you enter into the presence of God, when you enter into the rest of God's presence, he begins to sort out in you the issues of the soul. The result is you will be a better husband. A better wife. A better mom or dad. A better neighbor. It is because you give a higher priority to the His presence because that is your priestly function. That is who you are. So when you take your rightful place and position, the flow is there for you in all you do.

*Click HERE for the full teaching on this topic and more, or select the YouTube stream located below.

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