A daily devotional moment by Chris Garcia
When Katherine Kuhlman shared her vision, it witnessed to my spirit and struck me profoundly. The vision was of three men. One was on the floor broken and beat up. Another one was up on his feet but hobbling along. The last one appeared sound, whole and healthy. In the vision, the man that was on the floor broken, Jesus was comforting touching him physically, speaking to him audibly. You can see that He really was just there for and with him in all his needs. The second vision was the same man hobbling and Jesus is seen just putting His hand on his shoulder. In the third vision, the same man was well, healed, and whole. All Jesus was seen doing with this man was nodding at him and smiling. Katherine Kuhlman asks, "Jesus, why are You not speaking to the man who is standing whole and well?" Jesus responds, "Because what pleases Me most is strong faith."
What this means is that at the times when God speaks to you audibly and strongly, there is a greater need for it, because you are broken and not right. As you develop maturity in your sonship there is this deep trust of faith and a deep knowing. A deeper trust in knowing that He is there and that is what pleases Him. For without faith, it is impossible to please Him. For they that go to Him must believe in Him and that He is a rewarder of they that seek Him. There is a greater glory found in the place of faith. There is a greater glory found in the place of trust in God. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved by Whom it is that I believe in. As I am moved by Him Whom I believe in, in that place wherever I am, there I begin to see and hear, there I begin to know Him. There I begin to be sensitive to the awareness of God. Not through the fickle fleshly, flighty feelings of faithless interactions. There is something higher than feelings. There is an awareness of His very presence. It bypasses your lack of feeling. The fickleness of thoughts and feelings. There is a deeper connection that is only found through the realm of faith. The world says I have got to see it to believe it. Jesus says you must believe it to see it.
*Click HERE for the full teaching on this topic and more, or select the YouTube stream located below.
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